The Benefits of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Models: EAGALA Spotlight

When it comes to mental health therapy, there are countless approaches that offer healing and support. One innovative and effective method gaining attention is the EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) mode, which uses horses as therapeutic partners in the treatment process. EAGALA has become a powerful tool for helping people address a range of concerns, from trauma and anxiety to substance abuse, to relationship issues. Let’s explore why EAGALA is so beneficial and how it’s making a difference in the mental health world.

What is the EAGALA model?

The EAGALA model is a form of equine assisted psychotherapy (EAP) that focuses on ground-based interaction with horses, rather than riding. A licensed mental health professional and an equine specialist work together to guide clients through activities with the horses that help them process emotions and develop insights into their lives and their mental processes. Unlike traditional talk therapy, EAGALA is experiential, meaning the therapeutic process happens through doing, feeling, and reflecting on experiences with horses.

The Healing Power of Horses

Horses are uniquely sensitive and responsive creatures (they are, after all, prey animals), making them the ideal partners in therapy. Here’s why they pay such a crucial role in the EAGALA model:

  • Non-judgmental Presence: Horses offer unconditional acceptance. They don't judge based on appearance, past behavior, trauma, or circumstance - creating a safe, supportive environment for clients.

  • Mirror for Emotions: Horses are highly attuned to nonverbal cues and will often reflect the emotional state of the client. This provides an immediate and powerful way for individuals to recognize and address feelings they might not have been able to articulate in a traditional setting.

  • Immediate Feedback: Horses respond to a person’s behavior and emotions in real time. If a client is anxious, the horse may become restless; if the client is calm, the horse will relax. This instant feedback helps clients learn to regulate their emotions and behavior in a way that is engaging and impactful.

Who can Benefit from EAGALA?

EAGALA has been used to treat a wide range of concerns, including:

  • Trauma and PTSD: For individuals who have experienced trauma, traditional therapy can sometimes feel overwhelming. EAGALA offers a non-verbal, somatic approach to healing that helps clients feel safe while processing difficult memories. Veterans, survivors of abuse, and first responders are among those who have found success with EAGALA in addressing symptoms of PTSD.

  • Anxiety and Depression: The grounding nature of working with horses can help individuals struggling with anxiety and depression. By focusing on the present moment and interacting with a sensitive and attuned animal, clients often experience reduced stress and a sense of emotional relief.

  • Substance Abuse: EAGALA is also highly effective in treating addiction by helping clients develop self-awareness, rebuild trust, and work through emotions that contribute to their substance use. The hands-on nature of the therapy encourages accountability and connection, which are essential for recovery.

  • Relationship Issues: The relational dynamic between clients and horses can mirror personal relationships in our lives. This makes EAGALA a great tool for exploring interpersonal challenges, whether it’s with family members, romantic partners, coworkers, or friends. Through activities with the horses, clients can practice setting boundaries (or become aware of a lack of boundaries), building trust, and improving communication skills (just to name a few).

Why Choose EAGALA?

There are many therapeutic approaches available, but EAGALA offers unique advantages that make it especially effective for some individuals:

  • Experiential Learning: Many people find that learning through experience, rather than talking, resonates with them more deeply. EAGALA’s experiential approach allows clients to work through emotions and challenges in a more visceral way, often leading to breakthroughs that might not happen in a traditional therapy session. Also, experiential learning allows clients to process on their own time throughout the week, which sometimes reveals additional realizations after the session.

  • Holistic Approach: EAGALA addresses the whole person - mind, body, spirit. Clients engage physically with the horses, which can help them connect more fully with their emotions and thoughts, creating a holistic therapeutic experience.

  • Reduced Pressure to Talk: For clients who struggle with verbal communication or feel uncomfortable talking about their feelings, EAGALA provides a safe space to process emotions without the need for constant dialogue. The therapeutic experience with the horse often speaks louder than words.

  • Immediate Feedback: The presence of horses in therapy often accelerates progress. The immediate feedback from the horses allows clients to make rapid connections between their behavior and emotions, which can lead to faster breakthroughs and more meaningful change.


EAGALA is a powerful and innovative approach to mental health treatment that leverages the unique sensitivity and responsiveness of horses to foster emotional growth and healing. For those dealing with trauma, anxiety, or relationships issues, EAGALA provides a safe, supportive, and experiential environment to explore and overcome mental health concerns. Whether you’re seeking an alternative to traditional talk therapy or looking for a more experiential, holistic approach, equine-assisted psychotherapy through the EAGALA model could be the key to unlocking your journey to healing.

If you’re interesting in learning more about EAGALA, or how it could help you or a loved one, reach out and let’s chat.


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