Kristen Radke Kristen Radke

Reconnecting After Disconnection: How Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) Can Help Couples Rebuild Their Bond

At the core of EFT is attachment theory, which explains that as humans, we are created for connection. Just as children rely on their caregivers for safety and emotional security, adults look to their partners for love, support, and comfort. When our emotional needs aren’t met in relationships, feelings of fear, frustration, or rejection arise, leading to conflicts and emotional distance.

Fights between couples often stem from unmet attachment needs. Instead of seeing the argument as just about the dirty dishes or the forgotten special occasion, EFT looks at the deeper emotional dynamics at play. The real issue is often a feeling of being emotionally unsafe or disconnected from your partner, which can trigger behaviors that push each other further away.

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Kristen Radke Kristen Radke

The Benefits of Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Models: EAGALA Spotlight

When it comes to mental health therapy, there are countless approaches that offer healing and support. One innovative and effective method gaining attention is the EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) mode, which uses horses as therapeutic partners in the treatment process. EAGALA has become a powerful tool for helping people address a range of concerns, from trauma and anxiety to substance abuse, to relationship issues. Let’s explore why EAGALA is so beneficial and how it’s making a difference in the mental health world.

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Kristen Radke Kristen Radke

Top 3 Ways Couples Can Improve Their Emotional Connection

Emotional connection is the lifeblood of a healthy, fulfilling relationship. When couples feel emotionally connected, they are better able to navigate life’s ups and downs together. However, when that connection weakens, it can lead to long-term struggles, misunderstandings, and even relationship breakdown.

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Kristen Radke Kristen Radke

Take Every Thought Captive

Our thoughts are incredibly powerful. They shape how we see the world, how we respond to life’s challenges, and ultimately, how we feel. When we experience negative emotions like anxiety, depression, or overwhelming stress, the root often lies in our thinking patterns. The good news is that Scripture offers us a blueprint for managing our thoughts in a way that brings us peace, clarity, and emotional health.

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Kristen Radke Kristen Radke

Reducing Anxiety: How Scripture Instructs Us

β€œCasting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.”

This short yet powerful scripture holds profound meaning, offering hope for those of us struggling with worry and anxiety. Let’s dive into the truth of this verse and explore how it can help ease anxious thoughts and bring peace to our hearts.

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Kristen Radke Kristen Radke

Top 10 Tips to Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety impacts millions of people. While therapy is a helpful part of treatment (hello challenging thoughts!), making intentional lifestyle changes can be a powerful way to support your healing process. Here are the top 10 lifestyle changes you can make to start managing and reducing anxiety in your daily life

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